The mark of a self absorbed prick. Tattoos do nothing of any good to the person, society or the world.
We all know in our heart of hearts that people who get tattoos are morons, just look at MTV.
by sligster September 8, 2011
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When one desides to pay someone to draw all over their body. Tattoos are feelings that last for about two minutes, then you regret getting it.

Remember: When your old, the "sexy whore" you tattooed on your back will look like a saggy monkey.
My friends tattooed my arms with Crayola marker in art class. My dad was hella-mad.
by Sydney January 15, 2005
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1. Form of "artwork" to gain approval from sick-minded and uncreative others
2. In 2020 you'll be unique without one
3. An ugly deformed blot on the elderly
4. a rite of passage into American conformity
5. The only compromise that Goths, Skaters, Punks, Preps, Jocks, Rednecks, and street thugs share: "I'm so cool, check out my new tat!"
6. A permanent reminder of a drunk moment
7. The next generation will rebel against them
Check out that butterfly tattoo on that MILF's midriff, it is the only ugly thing about her.
by Tom Bomb December 25, 2005
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A collection of Scottish citizens who are drawn together by their love of music and intoxicants.
There was a tattoo of lads having a right old time down at the park.
by PULSEMONKEY October 14, 2019
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A permanent drawing on the skin. Intended Meaning: I'm cool; I'm non-conformist; I'm sexual; I'm my own person.

Actual Meaning: I have VD; I'm a true conformist (within the trollop population); I don't care how much worse it will look when I'm old.
I'm tired of being ignored by lowlife men so I'm getting a tattoo on my lower back. I wonder how long before I'll be needing the HIV medication?
by Noah Webster, Jr. February 17, 2005
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The only real reasons to have one of these are: you are/were in prison, you are/were in a real criminal syndicate/group, you live with an island tribe, you are/were a sailor, you are/were in an army, you are/were in a concentration camp.
Why most people get tattoos: it looks cool, it looks "pretty", to "express themselves", mid-life crisis, intoxication, to piss of their parents, to not "conform" to society, to be gangsta posers, or because of general whiny-bitch teenage angst.
Most females aged 14-25 get a tattoo of butterflies, flowers, cartoon characters,pixies/fairies with a tribal design on their lower back/pelvic area. Basically means they like to get penetrated. Most males aged 14-40 get tribal armbands, crosses, asian writing, cartoon characters, religious figures, cards/dice, skulls.
by cerealtitties December 29, 2005
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An image or word(s) that a person or animal get permanently injected under their skin. Tattoos help identify lost or missing animals, like brands used to. On humans they are usually jokes, ugly, and they tend to identify the wearer as trailer trash. Hopefully, after a certain amount of time, the human regrets the tattoo and has it removed.
Me: Thank God my dog has a tattoo on her inner lip. She could have been unidentifiable at the pound and eventually euthanized.

Never Me in a Million Years: Why on earth did get this star tattoo back in 2003? It seemed so neat at the time. Bah.
by arrow_keys July 15, 2005
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