synonym to "peace out" as the two fingers in the air can be described as two stogs (cigarettes). Prevalent in the 90s in the San Francisco bay area.
Two stogs, I'm out of here.
by YayaG May 16, 2011
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To provide a smoking instrument, typically a cigarette, to a companion in a social circle.
Wake up bro, don't laugh and call me a G, G. First, you need to stog (v) me G.
by Alex Mak June 30, 2016
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-stog is another word for any hot woman
-stog is also a word you would use when your looking at a nice booty
-any pornographic material is also refered to as stog
-"STOG" is what you say to your buddy as a hot chick walks by
-if your checking out a hot chicks ass you can just say "STOG"
-"Hey Philip wanna buy some good stog for 5 bucks? It has Jenna Jameson in it man and i really need some cash"
by routy June 5, 2005
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A fly that hovers about piles of stog.
Dude, I'm a stog fly, look at me hover about this large pile of stog.
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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to be stoked; happy about an event; having one cigar
1. I'm totally 1 stogs for the dowie
2. Are you 1 stogs about your jeuwe?
3. I have 1 stogs
by Pippins McGee October 16, 2007
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To provide a smoking instrument, typically a cigarette, to a companion in a social circle.
Yo G, wake up G, you need to stog (v) me G.
by Alex Mak June 30, 2016
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A Newfoundland term to describe being full in the stomach.
I am stogged after eating the jiggs dinner at Nan's place.
by Goofy Newfie August 15, 2018
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