A thick cheese like subaceous secretion that collects around the clitoris or the folds of the foreskin
My boyfriend feeds me his smegma whilst I sleep
by Nollium March 13, 2018
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Smega is a cheesy-like substance which can build up in the genitila area. Usually occuring in the male genetilia, this substance has a cottage-cheese like texture and creamy in colour, it build up around the edges of the head of the male's penis. This mostly happens for men who have not been circumzized, considering the foreskin covering skin, thus germs/bacteria build up may lead to this fungus growth. It most likely has a fowl smell and people may not like knowing that you have smegma growth. Your partner will not appreciate either. To clean, take your tooth-brush and gently scrub the circumfrence of the head of your penis. Simply rinse the brush and you're set. To avoid re-occurences of smegma build up, you should consider cirzumsizion, or, if you are circumzized, soap your shaft on a regular basis to keep hygiene in tact.
Cory noticed a fowl, musty tinge protruding from his genetila. In shock, he analyzed the oozy-fungus growing on his mandhood, he determined it was the infamous, smegma. He pulled back his foreskin and witnessed a light-yellow-creamy-like substance growing like a fungus on a mushroom, but around the rim of his penis head. He quickly took his toot-brush and scrubbed it off. To prevent this, he frequently cleaned under his foreskin and washed his shaft.
by Jacekkk November 4, 2006
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Served as a delicacy in the Philippines as "Lok-Lok." Lightly smothered on top of a crispy sesame cracker, and thin slices of the finest beef pizzle available in the country, a wad of freshly grown smegma is cultivated from the finest soldiers of the Philippine military for a pungeunt kick.
Damn son, this "Lok-Lok" is off the pizzle!

This Philippine delicacy is really delicious!

Excuse me, may I have some fresh smegma on my "Lok-Lok?"

Hey Alex, let's go paintballing....and then grab us some "Lok-Lok!"
by Mr. Reyes July 11, 2008
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Eli H. is mad custy. Aka smeged out
You see that guy over there?
Yea he’s mad custy
Oh that’s Eli H. He’s got mad smegma
by Mo_jangles May 13, 2019
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a build of crusty cheese round the bellend ellis campbell has it dirty bastard
errr you have smegma dirty bastard clean ya cock
by mc badman October 23, 2007
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Smegma is a mixture between piss, cum, skin and nob cheese it hangs around under your foreskin and is wating to be licked off by your girlfiends tounge, if gives off a cheesy aroma and obviously a cheesy taste.
My Girlfiend takes a smegma sanwich for her lunch
by Cally-boy November 25, 2005
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