going down on a chick while she is on the rag
for the sake of privacy we will call my friend... Bob. Bob thought it would be a good idea to do some k-pins, after a long night of drinking, fraternizing, and k-pins... my friend BOB started to do the "K-pin shuffle" and in his condition thought it was a good idea to go down on a girl... who was on her period........ twice... blah blah blah... long story short... dont wear a white t-shirt in the process... or try talking to family members

damn nigga you crazy...
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The act of eating out a woman's V while she is on her fucking monthly menstruation cycle.
I thought the term Red Wings meant flying when you were Indian, but after a night with Clarice I'm a changed man!
by Alyssa54321 June 14, 2008
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A professional hockey team from Detroit. To date, they have won 9 Stanly Cups. Also refired to as "'Wings".
"Dude, You catch the Redwings game last night?!"
"Yeah man, the Wings are do'in great!"
by Aris #32 June 26, 2005
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When you lick out a womans pussy, when she on her period.
That Rodney had Red Wings after being with Karis all night long.
by Wattsy_Eya November 10, 2006
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to have sex with a girl on her period untill red wings of blood are splattered on the insides of your legs.
1.i wanted to fuck so bad and she was on her period, so i just red winged her

2.i earned a pair of redwings last night, my girlfriend was on her period.
by mikal3 February 20, 2006
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Something you earn when, for the first time, you perform oral sex on a female while she is having a heavy flow day.
Ronnie: "Dang Steve, were you just eating ketchup sandwiches?"

Steve: "No Ronnie, I just got my Red Wings"
by HanoStegner May 4, 2014
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(Verb)To bang a girl on her period.
Joe totally red-winged her last night
by Mike March 1, 2005
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