shorter word for someone retarded
Bart is a complete rart
by pepmes January 7, 2019
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A raw fart. Most commonly caused by eating potato based substances or raw vegetables. just rarted you dirty old Rarse!”
by Rarse July 3, 2021
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Something you would say when someone does or says something stupid
Rarted! John farted!
Mike fell in the mud.... RARTED!
by r2y2a2n March 8, 2012
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1. A name to call someone, having no meaning to it and just being funny.
2. A word to bring a dead chat back to life, a single word everyone laughs to.
1. "you're a fricking rart"
"no u"
2. "rart"
"m yes rart"
by toast_is_shook June 9, 2020
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A reverse fart. When air is inhaled thru the anus rather than exhaled. A common term overheard when using pot or other cannabinoids.
Dude, did you just rart that joint?
by tdaisy February 19, 2017
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