Clueless. Switches opinions on topics during the same conversation more than once. Has only been a Senator since 2005. Horrible at giving speeches without a teleprompter. Usually stutters without it. The biggest liberal in congress. Wants change, but never clearly states what change he wants. Believes that McCain has been in Washington way too long, but selects a vice presidential candidate that has been in Washington longer than McCain (TEN more years). The typical Liberal.
I hope that Obama isn't our next president.
by Wolfman25 August 31, 2008
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A really good president who had to clean up the Bushes mess
Obama is really good, but not the best.
by Isupportlogic January 7, 2016
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The 44th President of the U.S. First African American President, and the coolest President to ever be elected
Obama is the coolest man alive bruh.
by Jct3 June 27, 2015
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I see that Barack Obama won a second term in November!
Let's hope he can continue to move America FORWARD.
by FORWARDwithObama2012! September 19, 2012
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verb: the act of shutting up idiot loud mouths like music artist Kanye West and congressman Joe Wilson by telling it the way it is.
person 1: "Did you just hear what that bitch nigga said?"
person 2: "Yeah and if he keeps it up i'm gonna obama his ass."
by pseudo who? February 6, 2010
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The 44th president of America!
Obama won!
by Taisto November 5, 2008
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