When you Bend/Work Any of the Simple chords on Guitar , typically used for country songs.. named after Hank Williams Jr.
"How do you get your guitar to make those twangy transitions?"
"Ya Gotta Hank It!"
by RadNad™ January 30, 2012
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born after 1993, can't cook, all he know is McDonald's, charge they phone, be fem-boy, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie
Ian: "does Hank need therapy or...?"
Caydance: "probably"
by Caroline452 October 13, 2022
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A guy who can be a dick sometimes but is actually secretly sweet. He will be the cockiest guy around his guy friends but as soon as you and him are the only ones talking he will transform into the best guy ever. He makes a fantastic best friend and all the girls can't resist him. His alabaster skin and ginger hair make him unresistable. The greatest guy you will ever meet.
Girl #1: "That ginger over there is such an ass. I wonder if he's like that all the time."
Girl#2: "Who? Hank? He is the sweetest guy ever! You just got to warm up to him is all."
Girl#3: "Omg, I know. I thought he was so weird and now he's my bffl!"
Girl#2: "Oh well, got to go. See you next Tuesday!"
by tsuu December 2, 2013
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The unsportsmanlike act of powering off or pulling the plug on your game console while in the midst of defeat. (Whether it be large or small)
John was losing to Mike in Madden by a score of 35-10 in the 3rd quarter, so he hanked the cord. We agreed that there would be no hanking before the game.
by ManForThePeople January 16, 2014
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Being kidnapped from a party, generally by a sibling, and taken on an apartment tour under the guise of a beer-run.
I was just getting a ride to the store for a bottle of bourbon but my sister hanked me for 2 hours.
by NotThePlumber September 7, 2018
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A slang term for Captain Morgan, whose full name was Henry Morgan, Hank is sometimes a nickname for Henry, best used when you are trying to be discrete about what you are drinking.
Without Slang:

" Hey man i got some Captain Morgan, you wanna drink tonight?"

"Dude what the fuck, my parents are in the other room!"

With Slang:

"Man I got me some Hank tonight so its gonna be hella fun"

"Boy, for real tonights gonna be jumping, I'm a be Hankin' all night"
by BSaari June 22, 2009
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