An exclamation. Use in place of "fuck!" or "shit" or even instead of a grunt or groan.
You are working out and instead of grunting while you lift a heavy weight you shout "Naaaaaaaaaapsterrrrr!" or if you drop a weight on your foot, you may also use this word.
by Rudolf Schmitler May 17, 2005
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A person with a really nappy afro
Hey, Napster, put some grease in that nappy fro
by Karmacoma March 19, 2009
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Unless you're a nerd or don't have a life, you probably don't care that much that you have to use another file sharing program now.
Oh well, Napster is gone, I have better things in life to worry about.
by metallica is cool July 9, 2003
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Some crap ass site that demands money for songs nobody remembers. God knows it sucks itself in inappropriate places. Also see shit and piece of crap.
Napster sucks it's FUCKING DICK, MAN!!!!
by TheAntiNapster November 22, 2003
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called music sharing by college kids who dont think they should have to pay for anything. aka stealing
ya napster is stealing you douche bags
by supafly rabbi January 22, 2004
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A point in the development of a new technology in which a lot of regular people start using it, which causes a massive surge in the development of the technology itself.

It was first defined in the tom scott video "i tried using ai. It scared me"
Dall-e mini and chatgpt seem to mark the napster point of AI.

Napster was a napster point in the music streaming industry.
by Pccrazy February 13, 2023
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The turning point of technology as defined by Tom Scott. The moment you realize that a new technology has the potential to change the entire world but you don't know just how far that change will progress, just as how Napster upended the era of music on physical disk that you need to buy to listen and was the first herald of services like Spotify.
AI is the Napster point we're living through.
by Aonodensetsu February 13, 2023
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