When a man explains something to a woman that she already knows.

Usually in a manner in which it is clear that he thinks he is much more knowledgeable than her on the subject and that she has childish intelligence.

For example, a doctor meets a man in a bar and he asks her what she does. She says 'a doctor' and he replies; 'Ah! The thing about health and the human body is...' and proceeds to explain what it's like to be a doctor to her. Even though she is a DOCTOR and he is not.
This guy just told me what it's like to have a period. Thanks for the mansplaining Jeffrey!
by Get out of your ass Jeffrey December 12, 2018
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When someone reexplains something in the same way it was just explained or explains something that the other person obviously understands.
Example 1:

Person 1: "What's mansplaining? Is it when a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing way?"
Person 2: "hmmm... How can I explain this to you in a way you'll get it? Mansplaining is when a man explains something to a women in a condescending way"

Example 2:
Person 1: "In April, Jeff Sessions announced a “zero-tolerance” policy regarding migrant families, which led to the separation of thousands of children from their parents. Trump reversed the order in June due to public outrage"
Person 2 (the mansplainer): "Yeah but it was actually the Trump administration who started child separation in the first place and only reversed it later.

Person 1: "Yeah, I just said that."
by HarperW June 24, 2018
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A man who interrupts or speaks over her with overconfidence and cluelessness, to explain something that she already knows — indeed, something in which she may already be an expert — on the assumption that he must know more than she does. In many cases, the explanation has to do specifically with things that are unique to women — their bodies, their experiences, their lives. When men interrupt or presume to correct a woman who is speaking of her own experience or expertise, they are implying that she is ignorant, that she is incapable of having authoritative knowledge. They are saying, essentially, “Shh. I know best.”
A man tried and failed mansplaining vaginas to a female gynecologist on Twitter
by Audrie19 September 13, 2020
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I didn't have a good answer to the facts he presented , so I accused him of "mansplaining". I hypocritically said I wanted him to treat me equally with men, but I can't stand how men talk with each other so I told him he was "mansplaining". I claim I believe in equality and understanding, but the fact that men learned as kids that they have to over explain is just irritating so to get him to shut up i accused him of "mansplaining".
by Droitduseigneiur August 5, 2018
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is the act of a man explaining something he may not really know to a woman who does, and the assumption behind it that knowledge is somehow inherent in the male condition, paralleling a void of knowledge waiting to be filled in the female condition.
On the quiz show Jeopardy, the answer to the question "What is mansplaining?" was "This 21st century word happens when a male patronizingly tells a female about a topic she already understands.
by melliegussie September 9, 2017
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Mansplaining is basically intellectual dishonesty. Instead of listening and considering the arguments of opposing views, even if you then refute them, you simply brush off any opposing views as inherently wrong because a man said it.
Feminist: Men gets paid 1 dollar while a woman gets 73 cents, oh the patriarchy...
Rational Person: Well, the statistic that you stated didn't account for the kinds of jobs that men usually take, the amount of time they work in the shift, education and more. If you managed to remove all those factors, both men and women get basically the same amount.
Retarded Feminist: Shut the fuck up you sexist mansplaining pig!!!!
by Dr. Dayum May 29, 2018
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A stupid term that "Feminists" use when they feel minorly threatened or when they feel the tiniest bit of aggression, or to hide the fact that they're a douchebag. women may use this term when you talk in a slightly condescending attitude, even jokingly, they explain this as "Thinking that you're better or smarter than them because they're women. no, this is not the case. i'm just trying to help you, whether you need it or not. and that's how i talk to everybody, whether you were a man, woman, the emperor of the Persian empire, i don't care.
Markus: hey Mary did you hear what our president did this time?
Marian: Which president?
Markus: who else? isn't it obvious?
Markus: MY disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
by Whom'st've January 28, 2021
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