Name of a famous graffiti tagger, usually found on bridges across I-110 south of downtown L.A.
Looks like Kunt posted another strike last night....
by The Fuck You Soul Brother September 25, 2003
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your acting like a kunt
by Anonymous October 1, 2002
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Ironic misspelling to countervail the esurient profanity checkers so prevalent these days.
Tony bliar is a kunt.
by GordonBrown June 20, 2005
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A Kunt is a group of Karens(belligerent, middle aged, white, anti vaxxer women who have more rights than you because they 'pay their taxes')
The manager hid in fear as a kunt of Karens entered his store
by Catalyst1011 September 13, 2020
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Northern English dialect. Contraction of 'could not'
Ah wanted anuther pint, but ah kunt get in before last orders.
by stayoutofarseholes September 22, 2003
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