Little puffballs that somehow ended up on this goddamned planet but have the power to make you instantly love them. Those who don't have committed a monstrous sin/crime and will be shoved aside by society unless they love puppies or learn to love kittens.
Cheers guys ❤
Dude: (Also squeals) I love kittens too!
by Ashthekitten May 2, 2019
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1. The baby cat, basically.
2. A mirror of The Pain Series on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
1: I have lots of kittens!
2: Go on Kittens on Encyclopedia Dramatica. It's really cute!
by LuaGunsX December 23, 2022
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kitten (kit'en) n.

A small, sometimes domesticated animal; usually a pet; a member of the cat family, wants to grow up to be a lion, tiger, leopard, etc; thinks the world revolves around her; is probably right.
the kitten is very pretty
by Cerina February 20, 2006
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A baby cat. When newborn, it has its eyes closed until the 10th day. Like humans, they can't walk at first. Later in the kitten stage, they'll need to loose they're teeth. That's when they bite alot. And you'll see little fangs around the house. Kittens can be one extreme to the other. They can be spastic to loving! And to the complement, they are small and adorable!
My kitten curled up in my lap.
by Kitten Lover August 3, 2009
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A pet same given to a boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé etc if they appear innocent and shy
by cal_pal25 May 15, 2016
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Generally refers to a young cat, which are known for being cute.

Another use is referring to their significant other as “Kitten” for use as an endearment name, more commonly referred to as a “Pet Name.”
Awww, that kitten is so adorable.

I love you, kitten.
by BillyMcSaggyTits January 15, 2018
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In website forums, the word "kitten" is used to replace swear words and in some cases insults or flames.
"Are you kitten kidding me?"
by Snoopie October 1, 2012
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