"My boyfriend has cartoonishly ginormous jonks."
by Susie Lee February 17, 2004
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The act of spamming a 20 year old mans tumblr with "jonk" or spamming his other social media sites.
Glam: Man, I really jonked my SATs
by FsfdafgsIMGAY April 9, 2018
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hidari te, left handed laotian; one who jonks to survive; a sociopath; believes in mcmahanism;
i got jonked in the face while drinking green tea
by ditry ak November 2, 2006
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Verb, to Jonk. Effectively means to masturbate while engaged in the act of defecation.
It’s roots are the Scottish colloquial terms ‘jobby’ (defecate) and ‘wank’ (masturbate).
"Johnny's off to the toilet for a jonk... make sure he's locked the door"
by Gardineroso September 16, 2003
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A delusional verve brought on by the realization of one's awesomeness
I am jonking, you are not that neato
by laddleladdle February 17, 2009
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TWO guys playing Halo

First Nerd: Man stop killing me or im gonna jonk you
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it is neha!!
by d December 2, 2003
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