A Honda is Like a Tampon - Every Pussy Has One.
The only people who drive hondas are wapanese and faggots.
by Assholes Inc. September 10, 2003
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Quality cars. Acchieve performance through efficiency, not muscle.
People break their necks trying to watch me pass them.
by honda December 17, 2003
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what every chevrolet has for dinner after a good race.
Man you should have seen my chevy eat that honda the other night it was awesome.
by grsmnky84 September 16, 2007
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Honda (n) hon-duh: Coming from the Swahili word Hoonduh, which means "When I grow a real penis, I'll get a real car"
"Oh my god! What IS that? It looks like a penis, only smaller"
"That's Honda"
by Psymin March 23, 2008
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An ugly, overpriced and underpowered car. Highly overrated for what it is. Every "custom" , rather "riced" up Honda looks and sounds the same. The vast majority are stock with cheap, inefficient glass packs and headers along with some hot wheels theme going on with the body. Not one of them has proper wheel geometry due to their lowered stance causing them to handle much worse than their stock counterparts. Most of the "performance" gear that are on them consist of an ugly body kit and a ridiculous rear spoiler to help their front wheel drive car handle better when it tops out at just under 100.
What is that, a leaf blower we are passing? No, just another Honda.
by 1967Rice eating V-dub June 6, 2003
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Fucking gay ass ricer shit car that they like to put a big wing and a fart pipe on. then they fart around the city like gay rice boys.
I whooped that honda boys ass last night in my chopped and channeled 1931 ford model A coupe powered by an old caddy motor.
by rat rod loser September 13, 2006
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