Inserting one's self into footage or frames from a film.
Holding hands with Edward Norton at the end of fight club or gumping yourself to be pulling the blaster on both Greedo AND Han
by office zomboy June 26, 2010
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1. A typical Alabama football fan. Usually so delusional that they think Bear Bryant is still alive. They also believe that Nick Satan actually likes the toothless fanbase.
2. Stupid person who likes Paul Fineburn slobbing Saban's knob.
3. Racists fanbase who only supports blacks on their own team.
Those Gumps are harder to tolerate when they are winning than when they are losing.
by GILF Hunter October 17, 2009
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Gump is a word typically used to describe ppl that are clumsy, geeky, or even stupid. you can use gump in many situations. You can say gump, gumpy, gumper, or you can even tell somebody that they gumped it.
South bay towers are gumpy!

Didn't he gump it when he spilled his drink?

My report card is so gumpy.

That teachers pet is such a gump.
by lakers619sdSD) August 20, 2009
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Geek, loser, social reject.

Circa 1980, Bay Area, CA
"You kissed HIM?! Ewww... He's such a total GUMP!"
by chic-lit March 25, 2005
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When having sex in the doggy-style position, you put your hands on your hips imitating Forrest Gump. The hands on the hips can best be seen when Forrest is standing on his shrimp boat and first sees Lt. Dan.
Guy #1: Man I gumped my girlfriend hard last night.

Guy#2: The old hands on the hips! Way to go!
by Cortezzz January 19, 2007
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The action of running/jogging while (a.) not wearing proper running gear (e.g. Forrest Gump) and (b.) displaying poor running form and/or athleticism
Trying to avoid the sudden hailstorm, Chris resorted to gumping to the nearest shelter.
by FalconEye September 13, 2011
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A Unco-ordinated person, mostly they are lads, often lanky and skinny.
by Anonymous November 2, 2003
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