The nickname given to the R32 Nissan Skyline GTR because of the tremendous amount of races won during the early 90s. No other car in its class proved better.

GODZILLA does not apply to the r33,r34 or r35 GTR.
Dude, that Godzilla ripped it apart on the Nuremberg circuit
by metin johnson July 10, 2010
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A Kaiju (Japanese Monster) created by the Toho Co in Japan on November 3rd, 1954. The Japanese name for it is "Gojira", but translated into english, it became "Godzilla".
Godzilla was originally intended to be a metaphor for nuclear and atomic weapons used on Japan and throughout the world. So far, there have been 26 Godzilla movies made in three different eras. The first era, called "Showa", went from 1954 until 1975. The second era, called "Heisei", went from 1984 until 1995. The final era, known to Kaiju fans as the "Millenium" era, went from 2000 (1999 in Japan) until 2004. The supposed final movie for 5 to 10 years is coming out in December of 2004. It is called "Godzilla: Final Wars" and features a large cast of Godzilla fin favorites, including Mothra, Rodan, and Angilas, and Monster-X.
Godzilla has over 98% universal awareness. His fans range throughout all ages, from the very young to the very old. We love Godzilla.Godzilla's first movie: "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" (In America) or "GOJIRA
I believe the 1961 Brit movie "Gorgo" was a rip of this caricature.
Oh no! He steps on To-Ky-O !! Oh-no Godzilla! Yea...
by Raumvogel February 8, 2006
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Very fast song by Eminem, very good, check it out
Guy1: *Perfectly raps Godzilla*
Guy2: The SHIT did you just say?
by True I March 13, 2020
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An ancient, ancient legend, dating back into japan's history, which goes back some millions of years, according to mainstream Japanese scholars, and often told of by others as untrue and unfoundable, set in for, history books have not been using the same calendar systems, so it doesn't not, check out.
The kanji for Godzilla's name spell godzilla itself, as any number of obscure readings from regions have always been accepted as mainstream Japanese, once learned about, and Japan's empire spans global sentiment going back hundreds of thousands of years, according to scholars worldwide.
The kanji is written 神鱠, and its reading come from the same roots as ours for god神, which that first kanji is of, meaning guardian or deity, in Japanese connotation, and the second, ocean lizard 鱠, again, sharing roots with the ancient, finer, narrower classifications of reptiles, called lizards, in many variant languages, and in this land, over more in mountain waters and sky scrapers, all history has tall towers, but sky scrapers, no such evil as can exist in tyrannical monstrosities without summoning a giant leviathan of great evil, like the draga Roda, who has a long history as a devil, himself.
In the summoning of these great monsters of the seas and skies and grounds below, the japanese were said to call on Godzilla, the guardian of Japan.
"This cannot be plausible! All people in Japan knew of Rodan! How could we make this mistake again?!" "Hurry! We MUST summon Godzilla!
by Setsuko Kaguya October 2, 2016
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A giant Kaiju, wrecking chaos among cities, it was mutated by a nuclear bomb
It's Godzilla run!
by MeltedChez February 26, 2018
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a scene/emo girl with large hair with a straight fringe just above the eye the hair is usually blonde, ginger or brown/black and blonde, they are also hideously obese and wear drainpipes.

When you see a godzilla shout godzilla
"OMG liv, robyn and flo look at that godzilla what a beast how the hell does she think she can get away with that!"
by Luke Johnson-Manning May 31, 2007
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