Person 1: Wow, those are nice boots.
Person 2: Thanks

Person 3: No, your blind. Those are just Fuggs.
by CDX97 January 15, 2011
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a pair snowish boots the are knock-off inspired from Uggs. cheaper than uggs by alot. most peiple with uggs notice people withoout uggs easly. bad quility.
Ew did you see that pair of fuggs, i bet she cant buy really uggs.
by lizzle fizzleeee October 26, 2007
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the state of being totally smashed with a bunch of friends and partying all night long.
This weekend we're all just gonna get so fugg. Hopefully we'll be able to remember who we hooked up with in the morning.
by Jellly Rolll March 13, 2007
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the alternant word for fuck.
i dont give a fug; i fugged your mother last night; your so fugging awesome.
by kyee_x July 25, 2010
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The Sun newspaper's word for pot smoke
The gang of deadbeats were surrounded by a thick, green fugg
by Double Dee January 22, 2004
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A knock off of the original Ugg boots, "fuggs" or "fugglies" are worn by those of the lower class who can't afford to dish out an extra 100 on boots.
Anyone who owns Ugg boats can spot these knock off boots a mile away.
Sold anywhere from Wal-mart to American Eagle, these disgraceful boots are usually worn by unattractive red necks who think they look hot in them when really everyone is laughing when they walk by !
Beware: if you own a pair of "fuggs" your social life might as well be over with because no one wants to be friends with a girl who voluntarily walks with pride when she wears her "fuggs."
" gross, that girl over there is wearing fuggs"
" seriously, if you can't afford Uggs you don't deserve to be wearing fuggs"
by vmalss February 27, 2008
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Fake uggs. People buy them when they can't buy real ones. Too costly for Payless, perfect for yo mama!
Yo mama so poor, she couldn't afford real uggs so she got fuggs!
by Kayle Khanmohamed March 22, 2008
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