attraction between two species expressed by endlessly trying to be cool and farting
Remember when Powers was trying to be cool in front of gabe and had Sue crack her back and she flarted? They still haven't had any action, so I guess it didn't pay off...
by Susanne Jameson March 6, 2005
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You are flirting very well and then accidentally fart. Oh no!
I was talking to Gordon after class, we were really having a nice flirt session, and then I farted!

I guess I let out a real flart
by Newton Orchid October 8, 2018
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When you laugh & fart at the same time - FLARTED
Karen told Rach a joke, they both laughed so hard they farted! Flarted
by Flarty pants March 30, 2018
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Failing + Flirting = Flarting

An attempt at flirting, but a failed attempt.

Usually performed by those who cannot find the right words to say, can't break ice, or just aren't that attractive (physically or emotionally) to the point that their words lose good meaning.
Male A: Hey girl, I'm a guy, you're a gal, lets mate tonight.
Female A: Uh...
Male B: Dude stop flarting, you're embarrassing yourself.

Male A: Oh hello (attempts to grin, appears unsettling)
Female A: Oh.... Hi? (runs)
Male A: Wow, I should really stop flarting.
by MassGuru April 10, 2011
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1. a flatus expelled through the anus simultaneously accompanying a laugh.
2. a flatus expelled through the anus as a result of a laugh.

3. emit wind from the anus and laugh at the same time.
e.g. My pregnant wife flarted in her sleep last night; it must have been a hilariously funny dream.
by ijustatemaccas March 12, 2015
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"Damn it, that weird guy just walked by and flartted. Smells like he shit his pants."
by Snarky48 June 18, 2013
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