Someone who you think you can trust at first, but you cant. He gets mad over the littlest things and will attempt to destroy you if you accidentally tick him off. Even if months later you attempt to reconnect with him, don't, he will just be even more of a dick. Draven is the worst person you could ever know.
Draven gained my trust, then deleted my entire god damn discord server!
by Taco Muffin February 17, 2019
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a dumb but funny boy. he is always energetic but once tired he will sleep for hours. he tries to get out of all responsibility and usually blames others for his actions
girl 1: hey do you know who left that mess?
girl 2: probably DRAVEN, you know how he is.
by fluff13 December 2, 2021
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Draven is a person who at first seems like a nice guy but turns out to be a total thot. He minipulates his followers and makes everyone love him.
That guy may seem nice, but he’s a total Draven.
by OGZACH47 March 23, 2019
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Draven is Chester Bennington's child he's really cute although I mainly know his dad (who's really hot)
His dad is sooooooooo hoooooooooooooott
by Mara August 5, 2004
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Chester Bennington's kid.
haven't u heard?
Draven Sabastean Bennington.
Draven Bennington.Don;tkno what the kid looks like, nor his mom. i onli kno what his dad, Chester Bennington
lead singer of LINKIN PARK looks like

by Ditto39 June 6, 2004
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i love this dude i wanna kiss him and then poop
i farted and draven pendly sniffed it right up his little tiny nostrils
by dvz,mszv,bvszd, July 25, 2021
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1. One who sucks wieners

2. Loves the boys weeweez
3.Loves that good head
4. A penis guzzler
-Draven’s Mom came over yesterday to do the naughty

-Draven’s Mom is getting gang banged by Jadon and Brayden
by Draven’s Dad October 27, 2021
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