A gas guzzler that looks ugly, manages to do 18mpg on a 109hp car and breaks down on the highway leaving you stranded.

Also see : Cash for clunkers.
I used to drive a 108hp 18mpg domestic. AAA was the most dialed number on my phone. I traded it in to Cash for Clunkers who shredded the car into more useful scrap metal and gave me 4,500 for it towards my new 50mpg Prius.
by vette driver August 5, 2009
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a american made car, before import came out,usually defined as a "truck engine" (whatever that is) by dumbass's like astro or "redneck" by YOUR DADDY
Astro Gets his blue neon Honda CRX Ass kicked by my All Beast american raw POWER
by Dead_pepper November 10, 2003
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A REAL car.
Doesnt hav 2 b "souped" up 2 b fast.
In other words the kinda car rice rockets cant beat.
by typical... June 21, 2003
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To physically abuse a live in partner, as in domestic violence. Can be adult male to female or adult female to male, not assocaited with children.

Origins unknown, first heard in use amongst the Blackfeet tribe.
"She wouldn't shut up, so I had to domesticate her."

"Whoa man! Where did you get that black eye? Did your woman domesticate you last night or what?"
by GOWYO August 4, 2006
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When you sleep w/ an ex who's now married and he's boring in bed w/ no exciting moves.
"Ever since he got married, he's just going through the motions. He used to be in my top 3, so fun and wild, what happened?"
"It's the wife, he's been domesticated".
by LoLo4 March 30, 2010
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commonly searched for in dictionary’s and google because i’m too embarrassed to ask somebody, “Hey, what does Domestic mean?”
“Hey Jordan.”
“Why do is your google history just the definition of domestic?”
“Don’t worry about it.” :|
by jvanbegone January 3, 2020
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Awesome, Cool. To be regarded as "good".
Man, that xbox 360 is friggin domestic.

That movie was so domestic, I think I'm gonna see it again.

I can't believe you said that to him, that was sooo domestic. You go girl!
by Tha Rap-ist (my rapper name) November 26, 2005
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