Hey Bob, do ya wanna take a CRUZ upon the RIVERA? Do you wanna have a Maddog too?
by mike rotch March 29, 2005
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The type of guy to accidently get touched by a girl and get a boner.
That guy Cruz just got an instant boner from getting touched. LOL
by AngelicPvp May 18, 2019
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Man look at that weirdo over there I think that he is named Cruz
by Xx_Noob master69_xX May 20, 2019
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A unloyal hoe who messes around with a bunch of girls because he thinks he’s a pimp even though he has a girl that cares for him and is always there for him even when he’s being disgusting he’s manipulative and Psychotic and has issues he ain’t heem
Cruz is a hoe
by Goodshot329 March 7, 2020
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The worst type of human-being. An absolutely deplorable person who would sell out his own children to avoid ridicule or a bad image.
"I stopped hanging out with Ted, he's turned into such a fucking cruz."
by Anonymous645289 February 20, 2021
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A vegan who is gay touches little boys and loves vegas
Person 1: eats lettuce while touching boys
Person 2: you're a Cruz
Person 3: what a faggot
by faggot568987654ewq2 March 29, 2019
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when multiple things dont make sense at all and you just walk out the door calmly like a bauss.
guy 1: dude, Armando did A Cruz in geometry class!
guy 2: wut?
guy 1: yeah, he just packed his things and left the classroom
guy 2: wow, he is such a badass
by LeGato2555 September 7, 2012
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