Invented in East & South London and means to sit down, or to rest.
Lets cotch here on this bench blud.
by Will March 24, 2005
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The experience of discomfort endured when boxer shorts are too tight on the wearer and ride up to uncomfortable, and often painful areas.
Like a wedgie, but more of an effect on the scrotal area.
My boxer shorts are really cotching.
by Jinola June 23, 2011
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any action performed when you are utterly battered. usually finding an interesting place to sleep
man, look at dave cotching in the cupboard
by jaytabron November 10, 2007
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When someone relaxes and just chills. Usually involving marajuana.
Hey man wat you up to?" "Nout man just cotchin
by Damien Clungefield April 29, 2011
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cotch, cotchin or cotching is James And Jonny co. limited trademark(c)

dont you dare to use it or we will get you deported to iceland.
james and jonny are cotchin in D206

ahh james fancy a nice cotch in jacuzzi?

oi jonny fancy a cotch on MR?
by jobj17 January 19, 2009
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To cotch is to relax, to hang or to chill. It should be noted that cotch is mainly for use by indie kids. Indie kids don't hang out, they cotch.
Normal kid: Hey wanna hang this evening?
Indie kid: No let's cotch and listen to music no-one else has ever heard of
by mostnamesaretaken March 3, 2009
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A word with a meaning completely un-known, but has the ability to make many people angry, especially of the female persuasion. They say cotch originated during the 15th century in Hungary.
Guy 1: Yo dude!
Guy 2: Sup bro?
Guy 1: Nothing, but my cotch is fire bro!!
Girl 2: Excuse me, teacher? Will you please discipline these two males?
Teacher: Boys? If you disturb these nice ladies one more time, you will going to detention.
Guy 1: What a cotch.
by Garisconak March 31, 2009
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