Bridgewater, also known as B-Dubb (which originates from the first letters of the words Bridge and Water, B W, which was eventually shortened to simply B-Dubb) is a town on the South Shore of Nova Scotia with a current population of about 7600. The town's main industry is a Michelin tire plant. If this closes, we're fucked. It also has a huge population of bullies and wiggers, as well as a completely ineffective school system. Basically, it is a shit hole of the first order. However, there is an up and coming music scene in the area, as well as a movie theater, which was built in 2004. Many new and innovative businesses are also moving into the area, some of which survive and others do not.
Bridgewater is routinely made fum of by people living in Halifax, and, in turn, residents of Bridgewater make fun of those living in Liverpool. So it could be said that shit runs down the shore.
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia area resident: Let's bang
Haligonian: Eww, no! You're from Bridgewater!

(This is based on a real conversation which happened over msn)
by Espak May 19, 2008
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a faggot hellhole filled with homoass barbie doll cockmunchers
bridgewater raynham highschool SUCKS!
by STAN! August 20, 2008
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A liberal arts college in Bridgewater, MA that is regionally known as a "teachers college" but, in fact, offers comprehensive curricula in many departments.

BSC has a large commuter population which detracts from an academic atmosphere despite that many of the faculty and staff are highly qualified. A majority of unenthused students fail to take advantage of the plethora of activities and opportunities offered by the college. The remaining minority go on to do fantastic things with their lives while freed of the immense debt incurred by ivy league and private school students.

Many BSC students drink their lives away. The institution, however, offers much more than that.
I'm thrilled I received such a fantastic education (and so many incredible opportunities) at Bridgewater State College and am still graduating with no debt! WHOO!!
by BSC Undergrad January 7, 2008
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A school of higher learning where all you do is drink rubinoff vodka 4 days a week and take a bus around campus especially to Tilly for fun food bar and chicken parm. Located in between Boston and Providence and close to Cape Cod. There is an annoying train that goes through campus 15 times a day. Do not take Stan Ross as a teacher. Bridgewater is also the home of alot of fine bitches. There is also greek life which sucks because the girls are ugly.

WARNING: Dont feed the Grizzly!!
and stay away from 302 Durgin because gay rape was commited in there
Bridgewater State College is da shizzle my nizzle because Grizzly owns you with rubinoff handles.
by Grizz April 6, 2005
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every year the seniors get hotter and we can’t use the bathroom
philip:bro did u hear what happened at bridgewater raynham highschool?
bill:oh are you talking about how they can’t use the bathroom after ten minutes?
philip:no. i’m talking about how they changed the wifi password
bill:oh just hack it man
by seniorsrhot January 24, 2020
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Bridgewater state College is basically Bridgewater Raynham College.. nothing more than an extension of BR. If u pretty much slacked off your whole High School Career, well BSC is ur college. Just tell everyone you always planned on being a "Teacher"
Bridgewater State College is BR
by Andrew Black March 8, 2006
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The PERFECT girl. She is one of a kind. Smart, gorgeous, funny, an amazing kisser, quirky, amazing, playful, sweet, caring, a good cook, kind, understanding, forgiving, beautiful, kind-hearted, lovable, the best girlfriend inthe world, and the bestest bfffffffffffffffffffffff inthe world!
Wow, Look at Emma Claire Bridgewater! She is perfect!

Any guy to date Emma Claire Bridgewater is lucky as hell!
by BremmaForts October 30, 2011
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