When someone is on their period and they're wearing a pad, and they fart. Like a shart, (Shitty Fart) except involving period blood.
Michael: Oh my god, did you hear that?
Nicki: Yeah, that was me. I farted.
Michael: Aren't you on your period?
Nicki: Yah, why?
Michael: Gurl, you just blarted.
by peterpiperpickedapeckofpickles November 30, 2009
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When a woman is on her period and wearing a maxi pad queefs and blood comes out
i can't believe I blarted at the post office today! It literally sounded like blowing bubbles into a cup of milk with a straw.
by Krazykay420 April 20, 2015
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The fart that you let out that is really going around the poop that is already in your butt hole. It is the few farts you usually let out on the way to the bowl if it is just a bit too far. As they go around the poop in your butt and come out they stink worst than most normal farts.
The poop is kind of blocking the fart...hence the word "BLART"
Bro, don't by the copy machine. I just blarted over there on the way to the bathroom
by moffboy September 25, 2013
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When you go to fart blood come out. It is a mixture of the word blood and fart hence "blart"
Oh my god, I was sitting at a meeting and this dude started to blart everywhere.
by James M. December 9, 2005
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A large fart that has a slightly melodic sound, like a stone being dropped in a lake on a cool, summer's morning, somewhere in the Northeast woods of Maine.
Dude, did you drop a deuce in the ocean?
Naw, man, just a blart. A nice, healthy blart.
by bobbittyboo April 5, 2011
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Bloody fart. The inevitable and scary evolution of the shart.
After a long night of boozing and man sex, Doogie Howser blarted in his scrubs.
by Blart survivor February 20, 2010
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1. Onomatopoeia. A spoken exchange experienced during a sexual climax.

2. The description of a male orgasm, used to defame women.
1. I'm gonna blaaaaarrrrrrrrt!

2. Steven blarted on Lisa's face as they watched "Paul Blart: Mall Cop."
by adamKENNY311 December 7, 2009
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