When you burp and fart at the same time.
I was drinking a Coca Cola and I barted. It was awesome. True story.
by Bartmaster January 21, 2012
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When you suck a fart out someone's ass, swallow the gas, then burp it back up. Usually back into the face of the person who did the fart.
My wife Chelsea, that gross whore, can tell me what i had for lunch just by barting me!
by the infamous Slug October 4, 2018
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A word derived from hearing pikeys talk to each other when saying "Yeah mate", in a particularly common southern English accent which ends up sounding like "Yeah bart" when muffled or when said while under the influence of alcohol/drugs.

An offensive term used to describe pikeys or scallys.

It can also be a sarcastically affectionate term used to talk to friends by replacing "mate" with "bart", when greeting them.
"Yeah bart hows it hanging?"
("Hello my friend/mate how is life treating you?")

"Look here come some barts"
("Some pikeys are coming towards us)

by notchris November 10, 2006
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Acronym for Big Ass Rack (of) Titties.
Commonly used to describe a female with a well endowed chest.
Damn dude check out the Bart on that chick. *High Fives*
by Gildenstern November 7, 2007
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A sporty guy, very likable but very hated by everyone. Bart is known as a fucking cheater whose a faggot. Kys bart.
Bart means hes a faggot. Fuck you, little piece of shit.
by IHateYouSoMuch69696969696 October 5, 2018
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A bitch-fart.
by mr. bart simpson September 28, 2008
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When you burp and fart at the same time
by Wolffy July 11, 2008
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