Extremely intoxicated, drunk beyond belief, unable to remember anything because of drunkenness.

I don’t remember anything last night I must have made a visit to the abyss.

I don’t remember much but I was definitely dwelling in the abyss last night.
by Cheeese 21 May 15, 2008
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Big house eating, teapot drinking, tetley hoover sucking fence.

Overusage of the smiley ":{{{"
by Timmy Tammy Tommy May 17, 2003
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A far off place that you can see but it takes you awaile to get there and back.
We went to the abyss without even knowing it. Or he took it to "the abyss" with his attitude.
by tony lee December 11, 2005
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a large, black cavity which can be used to describe a vagina which has been extremely sexually active, and/or where one can lose various objects such as panties, food, or quarters.
whoa, she had such an abyss, i got sucked in and had to crawl out, i needed a flashlight.
by Kellee March 28, 2007
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A word used to describe a person who believes that they are a black poodle that is attracted to iguanas. An Abyss likes to make jokes at the expense of iguanas and then whine when she is chased by a vacuum cleaner. Abyss has several friends, but only those she makes up, such as Incandescence the Eagle and Eternity the Snake.
Abyss jokes about frozen iguanas.

Abyss will be sad when Purity gets tired of the crap.

by Purity Iguana April 17, 2010
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Slayer's other best album. War Ensemble blisters; Dead
Skin Mask seduces; and the title track takes you back where you belong: Hell. Oh, and The Abyss has 666 seasons; they're all uncomfortable and brutal. Good music for when you're tired after a long day of butchery and mayhem, but there's more meat for the pile.
Rich's arms were tired from all the beheading, but there were many more high school jocks, so he turned on Seasons in the Abyss and kept chopping.
by Fatman666 January 25, 2012
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