'Grumpy Old Man'

An English saying which refers to an older male who is known to be stringant with money and who is often bad tempered.
'Steve, you're turning into a real GOM'.
by Mrs Speake August 24, 2010
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It's when stupid fuckin noobs misspell omg.
noob: gom yuo ar3 t3h 1337 h4xx0rzz 0mfg!!!!11
1337:stfu nub
by h4x0rzpl0x April 30, 2006
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meaning "GET OFF MYSPACE" can be told to any one that has been in myspace for a long time
JAY:Your still on myspace
by marco 123 February 2, 2008
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another word for game refering to video games see "vid"
yo shutup bro you love gom!
by Vidgommi January 3, 2008
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A GOM (G.O.M) status is a facebook status about ones girlfriend. GOM = Girlfriend over mates.
John "just had a great time with Maisie"
Ted comments: damn your GOM status! Are you still a big fan of Muse?
John comments: Of course! Muse are the best fucking band in the world, mixing contemporary rock with classicaly influnced solos and horribly distorted basslines.
by JackDrews January 28, 2009
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Meaning "GET OFF MYSPACE" short term for if you keep on going on myspace for 2 hours every day you would say GOM!
Juan: Why are you still on myspace??
Jenny: Because i feel like it!
Juan: But you go on every day for 2 hours?
Jenny: So whats your point??
Juan: Bitch GOM!!
Jenny: Okay bye!!
by marco 123 February 2, 2008
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