Where a girl and a boy become friends over the love of the carolina panthers and soon become as close as ever.
by bek@ November 25, 2017
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That's a pantherous item you have.
by tateristag November 22, 2018
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Showing kindness to all and being an amazing student
"Ray is always showing Panther Pride, he such a good student"

"Kaden literally never shows Panther Pride and I'm so disappointed in him"
by Hfhdjfogiho December 18, 2021
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One with major game. Or the act of pouncing on the ladies.
Person 1: Damn did you see Joe Maney?
Person 2: Yeah what a Sex Panther
by joemaney6969 November 30, 2016
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Is a girl who is very fiesty also very disgusting while on there menstrual cycle period thing
Alexis: I’m on my period I want some taki pizza

Guy: you’re a bloody panther
by Deiongang January 16, 2018
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Is a girl who is very fiesty also very disgusting while on there menstrual cycle period thing
Alexis: I’m on my period I want some taki pizza

Guy: you’re a bloody panther
by Deiongang January 16, 2018
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-Def. to leave an event (a movie, show, meeting, party, concert etc) before its scheduled, predetermined, or otherwise agreed-upon conclusion.
"Last night, my girlfriend and I went to see "Black Panther" and we black-panthered it because she fell asleep before it even started and I couldn't keep up with the story."
"Oh, Steve? He's a champion at black-panthering. He shows up at the meetings and leaves about twenty minutes in. The guy's cool though because he brings coffee."
"Feel free to black-panther tonight's show, the bassist isn't showing up."
by HobblesAndPuddles April 9, 2018
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