When one excretes an unfathomable amount of fecal matter or if the Mook as a whole smells equivalent to The

Great Depression or Rosa Parks bus seat, typically very warm in temperature to the point that your anal cavity feels like a small furnace. Mooks can cause you to think you are a Human Keurig. Often refereed to as a Mookie Betts or having a Mookie Betts.
Dan: Kyle, Are you hungover?
Kyle: Yea man i've taken like 3 beer Mooks already this morning from all those Genesee Cream Ales i had.
Zach: What the fuck is that smell ?
Kyle: The Mook man.
by KGDaddy January 31, 2018
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the word mook means to be a person that takes part in gay actions or gestures.
by imarealstreetnigga January 28, 2019
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New York Slang For Gay/Homosexual/ Men That Like Men
Did you see Chris staring at mike .. yeah he’s at mook
by MALLY G3000 February 14, 2023
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A "mook" is someone who is very talented and playing video games but is unlucky in the real world
#chur boi imma mook
by FaZe Mook January 21, 2017
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A person who drinks up all your juice
Chile im boutta hide this Simply orange juice with banana cause that mook finna come over.
by Zda February 21, 2015
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