A hot sexy Ukraine guy with a big penis who is very flexible in the ways of the worm and beetle
Girl 1: Omg! Look at Taras he is so cute!
Girl2: Ew. He is not cute.
Girl1: Yes he is!
by Burgerboi November 22, 2019
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Taras is usually the name of average sized male. It has ties to the Ukraine and Russian. Taras is also the name of the son of Poseidon and Satyria. You really never know what your gonna get when you meet a Taras.
Person 1: Man that Taras kid is kinda wacky
Person 2: Nah he just 𝐝𝐈fℱe𝕣ᵉℕ𝓽
by Ohheyboss365247 January 20, 2021
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Commonly-used Ukrainian male name. A male with a kind, loving heart.
I’ve never met a guy as kind as Taras.
by wawawa9179 November 23, 2021
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Your name is Tara and you're doing the tiktok “remove the first and last letter of your name”,also you are the hotest tiktoker
Tara is the hottest bitch alive
by Tlyl October 19, 2020
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He's form strong white male with a 10 inch cock who will tear your asshole apart if you will be bietchin' around! Taras is ukrainian name(from ancient Greek - restless). He's a true warrior, cossack! At fisrt Taras can seem sarcastic and also kinda weird person, but when you get to know him you will get used to it and even will enjoy his company, he will talk and joke around with you. He can be sensitive when it comes to emotions but he is strong hearted and carries on with a smile. He's the coolest motherfucker you can ever meet!
by Mc_Lovin1663 November 23, 2021
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Tara is a very bitchie and annoying person who makes up lies and is secretly a lesbian she loves pussy hair and viginas and always keeps her pussy hairs
(Person) Hey Tara ,
I heard u we’re selling pussy hairs
(Tara)Ye do u wants them there freshly picked
by Rucksack nosy March 13, 2019
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