Recognizing a broad who normally wears thick, dark eye makeup without their makeup on.
Whoa, Miranda's not wearing any eyeliner today!

Oh my lort, I almost didn't raccoonize her!
by Yeahsurewhynot September 19, 2017
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girl that leaves scratch marks on his back after sex
Ya I walked in and he was with raccoon girl.
by urbandickname27 October 19, 2022
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A form of peanut butter that has both a watery and gritty texture. Not sweet, not sour. Very earthy and delicious. Not for the faint of heart.
SC, stop eating that raccoon butter and get logging!
by Slick_stroker February 13, 2019
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When you shove a racoon in your friends ass so they can no longer shit and then wait 3-4 days and during sex you pull the raccoon out so a fountain of shit spews everywhere.
Bro im finna Arabian Raccoon Pull Shawn tonight IM SCHLEEP
by Zoodonym May 19, 2019
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Raccoon Tan is best defined by the look of Donald Trump.
He has a raccoon tan and looks like Donald Trump.
by marcho2016 February 28, 2016
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A pop and rock music dance that imitates the look of a raccoon. Most notably done to 'Jailhouse Rock'. Originated by Technical Sergeant George Riker.
George: (as 'Jailhouse Rock' starts playing) Hey Nick, you want to come do the Raccoon Rock with me? You'll love it!

Nick: (squeals) Oh boy, this is gonna be great!

George: You bet! Nothing beats this dance.

Nick: Nobody dances like George "The Raccoon" Riker.

George: (hugging Nick) That's right. You'll learn to be a Raccoon Rocker in no time.
by Dusty's Baby Powder November 9, 2010
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