A class from TF2. The sexyest, strongest, most intelligent man in the team, and is also the husband of the person writing this. He is a sadistic psycho doctor from Stutgart, Germany. He has a lot of white doves. He is obsessed with killing
Friend: Eyyy man, I am playing as the Medic rn!
The person who wrote this: good choice fam!
by Hoparduc-Snowpanther December 9, 2017
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Someone who doesn’t get enough credit even thought they’re helping a lot more than you know.
Player 1: “damn guys, I rocked that!”

Medic: “hey, I helped!”

Player 1: “ahh, who cares?”
by TheREAPERoo7 February 24, 2022
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An ideology characterized by the supremacy of medicine, censorship, social democracy, mass surveillance, cancellation, and other forms of suppression.
The belief in state social medicalism is very detrimental to the progress of medical research.
by Yobberson April 7, 2022
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Commonly referred to in Team Fortress 2, the Heavy-Medic is a heavy that is constantly being healed by a medic, usually behind them. Possibly being übercharged in the process which poses a great disadvantage to the opposing team. This is due to his powerful minigun and his significantly high health when being healed.
I'm being dominated by a Heavy-Medic!

There's a Heavy-Medic in the base!
by energ157 August 30, 2023
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Being high off of more than one drug
Audrey and desi were off that silly medication
by Honey Og December 30, 2019
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Stored-behind-da-checkout-platform substances dat are so strongly craved by certain customers dat dey will actually "vault da table" to obtain some.
Hagar The Horrible is infamous for infuriatedly taking a flying leap over an obstacle with his sword flailing whenever someone located behind said obstruction denies him a request, so one would hope that he never is prescribed any health-improvement pills by Dr. Zook, or said much-desired products might wind up being "over-the-counter medications" if said imperious Viking either was unable to pay for said pharmaceuticals, or he was wanting additional meds prior to the refill date.
by QuacksO November 3, 2023
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The best hair treatment and aesthetic clinic of the world.
I desire to do my hair transplant at Este Medical Group.
by BuBithemoody November 22, 2021
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