A butt crack of a male or female that is extra long. Almost appearing to start at the lower back. When one observes Sir Long Crack one must sing the Sir Long Crack Tune,

Sir Long Crack, Sir Long Crack, the most wonderful crack around,

Sir Long Crack, Sir Long Crack, the longest crack in town.
Sir Long Crack is protruding from the top of your trousers.
by Big Juice Boy November 23, 2021
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hey bro wanna do some crack
no man i got the good shit i got cheese crack
oh fuck yeah also i have 3 buttocks
by TheRealMilkAndCerealYT February 10, 2022
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When you get little to no sleep and thus are super hyper/weirdly energetic as a result as if you are on crack.
Person 2: Someone's on sleep crack
by Taylen Wish January 19, 2019
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Someone who hordes their crack away from deserving friends like the little whiny punk they are.
"Gimme some of that mountain of crack you've been storing, crack-hog."
by Pandy Orter April 15, 2004
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"Casual" associated with being new, noobie, and uninformed in-said subject matter, however people who over-use "casual" in every sentence or every argument - regardless of facts just to insult the intelligence of the recipient.
Crack-stick: Begin(s) to call others casual in a debate on a subject immediately when the argument/debate has started because they are short-minded and can't combat others when challenged in a argument with their own; giving the impression that they themselves are the casual for not thinking of their own facts to mention or actual information to disapprove the argument , thus making them a "crack-stick"

1"Oh you just started playing yesterday? - thats why you suck"
2"No I've been playing since launch.. if anything you're casual here not me"
1"Explain how I'm a casual then?"
2"Shut up casual
by OUTLVW March 27, 2023
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Those little chunks of white deodorant that's on the floor and in the lockers of a locker room. Often times they resemble lines of cocaine when they're smeared or smudged.
"Dude what is this white shit in my locker?"

"That's probably locker room crack."

"Crack? Really?"

"No it's deodorant, but it sure does look like crack."
by JuanManClaus June 2, 2019
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