Welsh Techno collective in Swansea, South Wales,Uk
Release The kraken this weekend in swansea Is going to be epic
by Techno23 September 14, 2022
Insinuating that you're about to drop a mother load of info that will either completely blow your mind, piss someone off, or make someone upset in a regretful way that makes you actually want to open a bottle of Kraken instead.
Example 1: Jenny hears Bertha talking about something scandalous that's making her nervous because she's about to lose something dear to her. Jenny then falls off the wagon unexpectedly, and says, "Sorry Bertha, but I'm about to release the Kraken." Then she tells Bertha about facts she overheard or knows. Bertha then has a sudden heart attack and dies.

Example 2: Jenny and Bertha are having a joint. Bertha mentions something disturbing in the conversation that makes Jenny "Release the Kraken," or in other words, Jenny then loses her mind and wigs the fuck out because she suspected something bad about it for a long time before the conversation.
by BWitched January 9, 2022
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When publishing new code to a production environment, there is always the chance that you need to swap back to the previous release, if flaws or bug occur. Releases that are stable and in no need for a immediate swap back to previous release can be called "sticky-releases" as they are not swapped back, and linger on in production.
DevOps rant: "When did you last see John developer create a sticky-release?"
Developer to DevOps "Trust me, this is a sticky-release."
by wisehammer January 10, 2023
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When a young stoner catches a fish bare handed to allow his other stoner friend to blow a bong rip into the fishes face. The fish is then released.

Rip and Release is a common stoner past time in Anchorage, Alaska. Typically a king salmon is yanked out of the water and then blow cannabis smoke, then thrown back into the water.
Hey Kyle, want to hit up the Kenai for some rip and release?
by Pete the wizard October 3, 2020
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A release of a song or album that is released but that doesn't feel like a real release. For example, remixes or remastered albums...
That "Live from Disco Rodea, Raleigh, NC? June 12th, 2005" album by the Pixies is such a non-release.
by schruggy.xyz February 11, 2022
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a antonym for the fortnite balls song, kills anybody who is sussy
mohammedontavious: fortnite balls im ga-. chingchongman: apex ass ur les u hate girls u release normal parents. mohammedontavious: *dies of death cutely*
by Sussy God September 23, 2021
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