A peer to peer business model for trading information, goods or services via an online marketplace.
I used the sharing method and rented out a room in my house to a random person to make extra money on Airbnb.
by seme81 July 26, 2015
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When two or more individuals pretend like they are beefing or having issues with eachother in order to gain attention resulting in more followers and attention.
Nah bro they ain’t really fightin they just Clout Sharing to make people pay attention to them.
by Wolff Dolla Bill October 17, 2018
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A majority of something desirable that is allotted to someone for either the attractiveness of their thighs, or for their willingness to spread said thighs for the resource-giver.
Having a trim shapely physique is advantageous in many ways, including often being allowed the loin's share of available resources in many instances.
by QuacksO March 26, 2019
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Illicit drugs that are people hoard,greedily, like it's the last drugs they will ever see again.
That must be some fire ass shit. He is stingy with it. That is the shit that he don't share!
by Vanessamaria November 30, 2020
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Kose o share or kose share or kos-share is a persian slang which literally means pussy and poem but figuratively means bullshit.

People use it mostly when someone exaggerating something
Arjang: I can get into fight with five man and beat them all
Mahyar : Kos o share nagoo.
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The unwanted and violating oversharing of personal information from another person for which you could care less.
I ran into Gladys at the supermarket and she share raped me in the produce section for half an hour.
by 12062004 August 25, 2019
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"Social multitasking" --- spending "quality time" with two or more "close friends" (i.e., pals whom you are so comfy with that you don't mind being "up close and personal" with them.
Time-sharing can be lots of fun and wonderfully soul-soothing emotional support for everyone involved... for example, a big flexible-limbed dude can either take a relaxing country-lane stroll hand-in-hand with his two favorite chicks ambling placidly along on either side, or he can sit on a park-bench between his two blinky-eyed admirers and cradle one of the nice girls in each arm. Or a warm-hearted cutie can lift up her t-shirt and "suckle" two "milk-thirsty" guys at once, or she can lounge back into one guy's arms while casually draping her legs over into another mushy-hearted male admirer's lap so that he can massage her feet and knead her calves.
by QuacksO March 28, 2017
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