doctor: soz u have clusters

person: nooo
by EGB1 June 20, 2022
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Dude look at that cluster over there on the golf kart
by Smith Iverson June 26, 2021
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A cluster b;

Has Histrionic/Narcissistic/Antisocial or Borderline traits or Similar ones (Ex: Haltose,Sadistic, Abrasive negativistic, Meglomania, Egomania, Sociopathy, Psychopathy)can be called Clusters since their existence is a net negative to humanity too.

Dramatic,Vengeful,Manipulative, Attentionseeking, Inappropriate, Using,Abusive,Jealous,Defensive, SelfServing,Dishonest,Gaslights, Victimblames,Shames, Arrogant,Grandiose,Entitled,Impulsive,Untrustworthy, Controlling, Demanding,Invasive,FragileEgo,Disrespectful,ImpressionManaging, Relies on externa validation, feels justified holding self to lower standards than others, selective memory, Comfort/Pleasure from disempowering others, Desiring fame/power/veneration.
•Rage, Combativeness& even Violence in response to self awareness/realization that ideal self does not match true self/being exposed that the person they portray is not who they truly are •self concept not reliant on authenticity •takes critique as a threat/insult •victim complex, overt/covert superiority complexes •Denys accountability •suppression of empathy & regard & remorse

Clusters who think they are victims selfpity.Even if scars are self inflicted & lowgrade they exaggerate how bad they had it in their head. Some threaten suicide or botch attempts to get others to feel bad. In order to get what they want (ex; resources,sex,

relationships,attention, validation, sympathy,reputation, submission, power) the ends

always justify the means
“I have some empathy but no sympathy for jack. He knew Aly was a total cluster and got involved anyway. He needs to take accountability for the person he picked to be with”.

“I only feel sympathy for the people who get involved with clusters when a cluster is so good at masquerading a fake personality that they fool everyone.”

“Children and Adult Offspring of clusters should estrange their parents.”

“I heard Geoff fell down a well, but she was a cluster so nothing of value was lost. Glad his wife and kids don’t have to endure him anymore.”
by IbreathAir September 25, 2023
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A playful and creative term used by fans of protogens, a fictional species, to refer to a group of these beings. The term evokes the image of a tight-knit and cohesive group, much like a cluster of stars in the sky
During the furry convention, I saw a cluster of protogens gathered around the art exhibit, admiring the various depictions of their species.
by Phieyl February 18, 2023
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Jared: Have you been to South-Sadan?
Michael: Why would I go to that Cluster-Fuck?
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Jared: Dude have you been to South Sudan?
Micheal: Why would I go to that Cluster-Fuck
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Cluster fuck
Cluster fuck
by Sascha’s July 11, 2020
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