To give up on perfection and just get a project done before the deadline.
Ah, sh*t. This project is due is 4 hours, and I had a list of things I wanted to include, but now I have to punt and just get it done before the deadline.
by edderraaa September 22, 2021
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In the world of collectable card games (especially magic the gathering and hearthstone), to punt is to make a mistake that causes you to lose a game you were otherwise winning.

Sometimes, people loosen the definition to include all mistakes made in a game, regardless of whether they would actually change the outcome.
I should have realized I had lethal, but I punted by targeting my lightning bolt at my opponent's creature.
by JerrySmith22 February 13, 2022
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"Your a punt!"
"No i said punt."
"Is that like a pretty cunt?"
by Potato No! April 11, 2009
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A word for a person of a larger size with a big tough-guy attitude. Usually a ginger, and always accompanied by their "peewee", a small, skinny counterpart that looks to duh "punt" to pelt others.
"That Abbie is such a punt!"
"I'm gonna pelt yuh, Punt!"
by Metro_1206 August 1, 2022
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