An upcoming Cartoon Network show about a 12-year old girl called Tulip who is stuck in a train that never stops, accompanied by a little robot called One-One, in the pilot Tulip and One-One enter a train car with a Land called Corginia, home to Atticus (King of Corginia) and a lot of Corgis, No further spoilers. this show (coming to CN in 2019) has amazing potential, go watch the pilot.
Dude 1: Yo, have you seen the new cartoon network pilot Infinity Train?
Dude 2: No, What is Infinity Train?
Dude 1: shows pilot on phone
-after 8:37 minutes of watching the pilot-
Dude 2: forget adventure time and regular show, i need this!
Dude 1: Yeah right
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bandaging up a permanent scar. pointlessness.
why doesn't rob get a nose job?
that would just be a patch of infinity
by fuckoffdick December 11, 2010
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its a place
kinda alrtight
ifu9qahbwjhyybgr szgduFUEwj
infinity college is where i go to school
by hannahlolywhosteesyd December 1, 2022
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the ultimate insult blocks shilds and reflects no u's and UNO reverse cards
Guy 1: person below is infinity gay lol
Guy 2: *dead*
Guy 3: hey 911 yeah we have a dead guy here.
by eatthatpussy145 October 11, 2018
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A brand that rocks your world by symbolizing a sense that we can truly rise above who are today over any oppression or any obstacle WE demand a better version of ourselves.
Guy 1: "nice shirt"

Guy 2: "Thanks count down to infinity is awesome like that"
by FJHJ November 21, 2011
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