A free video game released in 2010 for the Xbox 360
Hey John, want to play Doritos Crash Course after school?
by melon31 July 10, 2023
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When a board of wood is warped and a carpenter looks down at it to see that it is twisted. The board takes on a triangular shape similar to that of a dorito.
That wood is doritoing. I can’t use it.
by Beatlebug April 24, 2022
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A Club Penguin Community ran by a bunch of Pakistani Pedophiles. They log onto many Club Penguin Private Servers, being dickheads to the average players of these by spamming emoticons and their shitty "Family Forever" phrases.
Did you see the Doritos of Club Penguin online today? I heard one of their leaders like to groom children with Discord Nitro memberships.
by Seltzer_Sex December 21, 2020
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Someone who is sunburnt or crusty as hell. Could also be someone who is always heated (mad).
Get outta here with yo pink dorito looking ass.
by lookingass92 April 13, 2017
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The condition you get when after you finish eating a bag of Doritos and you have Dorito crumbs all over your hands.

The only ways to fix this is either wiping it off on your pants or licking your hands until all the crumbs are gone.
Person 1: Hey man, why's your PlayStation controller all greasy?
Person 2: Oh, it's the Dorito Hands, man.
by hso_00 October 4, 2018
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A boy with doritos in his mouth normally named Bryce
"oh hey there dorito boy" while stuffing his face with doritos and cleaning shelves.
by BrittLoves_Ya July 27, 2021
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Those small, triangular flaps of flesh that some unfortunate small breasted women have.
"Yo, check out Christina's thick booty."

"Yeah, but she sporting Dorito flaps up top, that's a hard pass."
by Scottynaughtybody June 4, 2023
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