In other words, juss sassin' ya. Comes from da playful-but-annoying practice of coming up behind someone who's wearing a long jacket with a divided lower back, grabbing da jacket just above da slit, and then vigorously/rapidly yanking da lower part of da jacket in and out to make da pair of tails slap against da person's butt.
Me: If yer too warm, why doncha go take a dip in da ocean?
You: Jump in da ocean??? Are you crazy??? It's chilly and whitecaps-windy out there!
Me: I know, I know... juss flappin' yer coat-tails...! :D
by QuacksO March 23, 2019
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Scottish Slang (Mainly the Ayrshire and Glasgow Area) and means 'Your own Fault'
Don't try and blame anyone else its yer ane fawt you got caught
by spongershire January 10, 2012
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The act of putting your socks on when inhaling paint fumes and sleep deprivation catch up to you
Person 1: Eyy bro I'm really tired and I'm feeling gooood after inhaling these paint fumes

Person 2:You gotta put yer sockchs onnn
by MC Shrivel Ball August 5, 2021
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used to describe a teenager
Morata trash as per but yer son thinks he will "come good under sarriball1111"
by Gerrard's slip January 11, 2019
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Bigoted elderly individuals who loudly declare that -insert race/orientation/employment status/driving ability- should be deported.

Not to be confused with screenior citizens.
Joe's screen-yer citizen grandfather regularly embarrassed him when in public.
by TheGoodReverend September 12, 2010
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