1)Abreviation of the word Power Owned
2)a mix between the words Power and Owned
Man u jus got Pwned
by Matt June 8, 2004
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When Something is post-poned so many times that you end up exasperated and/or pwned.
May 21st: Hey tonight's party is going to be next Monday because most people can't make it.
May 27th: Hey, we're just going to wait till June 4th so that these people are back from vacation.
June 4th: Sorry you drove all the way out there. I forgot to text you that we moved it to June 10th.
<response> I've been post-pwned!
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The act of your base and troops being utterly demolished in the popular game Starcraft by a huge number of Zerglings.
I can't believe it. I had Firebats, Siege Tanks, Marines, Goliaths, everything, but that Zerg Rush obliterated me. there were just too many. I got Zergling pwned.
by Zergruler December 13, 2010
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directly translating to "good game Pwned" this overused word is FUCKING ANNOYING when used constantly by people who think they are teh 1337 gamers.

Honestly, this word is just annoying in general.
The correct usage:

A: "Aw, man how did they guy get such a nice kill streak ending the game?"


The wrong usage:

A: "Man, I don't think I did so well on my test."

by ErrorProxy October 5, 2010
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Death upon u in a nerdy matter BWA HA HA
Ur going to get f4cking Pwned
by jaynx September 23, 2003
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French version of Pwned or Owned by someone much lower in rank or status.
like a Pawn to a Queen.
Pawn: "You have just been Le Pwned!!!"
Queen: "wtf??"


Fin: *Beats Jesse in a game of Chess* "You just got Le Pwned!!!"
Jeese: "o.O?"
by Hitmewithbrokenleaves September 10, 2008
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When an insane amout of pwnage is slammed in your face.
"Dude, that was a complete shut out dude, YOU GOT DOOR-PWNED biotch!"
by Sean_Bandit December 8, 2006
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