1. A businessman who buys and sells severed phalluses for profit.

2. A term for when the desired result cannot be achieved without such excessive funds or rare/expensive objects that it seems impossible.
1. "The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant."

2. "Oh well, I guess we better go find a cock merchant, then."
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Lady of dubious looks and morals. Often found frequenting Walkabout in Bristol circa 2000-2006. Many of which go on to get ploughed that evening.
Those two filth merchants better turn up to the hotel organised cocktail making tomorrow. They'll get something in their drink they didn't bargain for.
by AthleteIntelectualLover September 20, 2022
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Stores and restaurants that sell feel and status rather than the actual products
Boy1 - Heard the new joint has some good food!
Boy2 - Bunch of vibe merchants! Edgy folks go there for vibe, not for the food.
by trish_ January 11, 2023
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A person who has no real skills in what they claim, but holds a certificate as "proof" of their expertise.
The programmer we hired is a total certificate merchant: he has an AWS Associates certificate but he has never touched AWS in his life. He's currently studying for Google one too.
by burgundyyyy October 15, 2022
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A proprietor of the backdoor. i.e Anal sex.
One who deals with women married or in relationships secretly. The two definitions often go hand in hand
Did you see Tony coming out of John's house yesterday, that guy's a real Backdoor Merchant
by Backdoor Merchant December 28, 2016
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A ceebs merchant is one who does not attend happs despite having nothing better to do for the simple reason of not being bothered.
Person 1: "Yo is Mike coming to the party?"

Person 2: "Nah, don't you know? Mike is a ceebs merchant."
by z4//////1 December 6, 2022
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A company that takes care of processing payments and making a transaction.
I used merchant one the other day to buy a Gi-normous burrito.
by Stacy1221 May 17, 2019
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