When you live in your exs head rent free.
Low cal. No effort. Just like Splenda.

Haven't talked to my ex in years. Splenda ghost.
by Hanabal71 December 11, 2021
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Ghosting a person due to the fact that you drunk-texted him and then you’re too ashamed to make a contact with him again
Daaaamn I texted him I want to be gangbanged, I’ve been guilty ghosting him eversince.
by Xtrzx December 20, 2019
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When a connection is said to be present; but is clearly missing.
John spent the entire weekend trying to fix a Ghost Feed, when all he had to do was reset his router.
by ReaverW October 20, 2010
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A YouTuber by the name of Ghost Fox or @GhostFoxYT on YouTube. He does PNGTubing and Minecraft content adn horror videos for fun.

He makes videos for fun and to make someone's day. Although Ghost Fox does receives lots of hate for his videos. But this is a trick just to make his videos more popular.
Kid: "Have you ever heard of the YouTuber? Ghost Fox?
16 yrold kid: "That guy is cringe."
by GhostFoxYT August 26, 2023
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Exactly what every POLICE OFFICER goes through. (*It's not p.t.s)

One of the scariest phenomena level of thinking and feeling you will ever experience.

It lives in EV COMPUTERIZED VEHICKES because the time to change is so instantaneous.

What airline pilots have to train for and learn to live with in coexistence.

A physics manifestation that where there is a vulnerability scale.

Be able to feel perceive before hand a traumatizing episode before it happens is the TRAUMA GHOST.

When everything turns to FLIGHT and FRIGHT AND FIGHT drop out you know and see the TRAUMA GHOST.

Due to it's ability to reach very rapid speed the TESLA as be in long term flight it carries the TRAUMA GHOST at all times and the AI within is the regulator of this.

Being able to live with all the time while in the air the TRAUMA GHOST prevents most of the time pilot error air disasters.

Your likelihood of being around the TRAUMA GHOST for which FRIGHT and FIGHT fading to limit zero nto just FLIGHT is most who don't perceive and feel it are the highest on the VULNERABILITY SCALE

FRIGHT is our everyday grid we live on , FIGHT is the GHOST (impact felt after trauma) , and but the ultimate FLIGHT on the highest level allows movement for which the TRAUMA GHOST runs away or towards DEATH ( away.DIVERGENCE) (towards CONVERGENCE) and because of these two actions it makes for the TRAUMA GHOST.
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1.) You run to the toilet, ready to take a wicked fat fucking shit. When you plop your ass onto the toilet you fart the demon right out of your stomach. This fart is always loud as fuck too, probably because of the echo. All of the sudden, you no longer have to drop that log.

2.) This time, you didn’t just rip major ass. You shit your brains out into the toilet. You wipe your coolio and look down at the paper to assess the damage. When you look down, the fucker is clean. Perhaps the most bewildering yet satisfying experiences ever known to man.

3.) You take a shit, usually comes out in one piece. When you stand up and look down at the bowl, the fucking toilet is empty. This occurs due to the force of your asshole, and the velocity at which the shit flies out of it.
(Runs to the toilet and sits down) (farts) holy tits, I no longer have to shit. must’ve been a ghost shit!!

(Takes a shit, wipes, sees it’s empty) what the fuck?? my asshole has never been this clean!? what an amazing feeling! I love ghost shits!

(Takes a shit, looks at the bowl and sees its empty) where in the fuck did that shit go?? was it a ghost shit?? did I even shit?? does this mean I don’t have to wipe??
by Crispy D’Angelo January 31, 2020
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(v) the act of taking a shit, wiping, and having nothing on the toilet paper
"dude something weird happened to me yesterday"


"I took a huge shit but when I wiped there was nothing on the paper!"

"Oh then you must've taken a ghost shit"
by Mr. DookeyHead May 2, 2016
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