Sneaking a quickie before them bad ass kids come beggin for mom
Hey baby you wanna sneak away from these bad ass kids and do the sideways pants can put on a movie for them
by intheknow337 July 9, 2020
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Dancing sideways. The girl is usually facing towards the ceiling and the male the floor. This in no way means sex.
I heard Billie and Sarah were doing the Sideways Mumbo the other day!
by NHP5000 August 27, 2009
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If Australia is upside down, then half Australians are sideways and quarter Australians are diagonal.
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover September 3, 2023
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Sideways (adj.): Offensive, disrespectful, or otherwise undesirable, particularly in reference to person-to-person interaction.
ex: "You came at me sideways-" "That was a sideways question, wasn't it?"
by Pro Last Media July 30, 2021
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