A merging of two popular phrases, each meant to reflect attempting something very difficult: “like nailing jello to a tree” and “like herding cats”. This version simply implies, humorously and a bit gruesomely, that one is, in fact, attempting the impossible.
John’s attempt to get this three kids to bed after they each ate a bag of Halloween candy is like trying to nail jello to a cat.
by Brett’s Brain December 30, 2017
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pretty obvious- a soft , mushy ,pathetic minuscule penis.usually presents itself at the most inopportune moment, during sex
aww its ok jello dick. there are some fuck pills in the drawer. see you in an hour
by burbman1969 April 13, 2021
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When a women is on her period and you use a straw to suck the blood, or use a spoon if there is a blood clot
I can't believe i had cherry jello last night
by chives66441 June 26, 2021
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When a fat kid dances
Brandon: did you see carter dancing?
Jason: yeah, he was jiggling like jello
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 4, 2023
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A Jello Leggo basically means someone that looses a ton of wait but only in there legs leaving alot of extra skin disgusting to look at
Guy1- damn our teacher is a jello leggo

Guy2- I know all that extra skin hanging out of those short shorts ewww

Teacher- boys do you like my legs?

Guy2- No....
Teacher- Detention
by C@D3 July 11, 2011
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to go completely limp while in a moving vehicle and letting the movement of the vehicle control which direction you sway
Ben was enjoying his afternoon when he unexpectedly went jello while stopping at a red light in his car.
by Collin Crawford December 15, 2008
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The jelly like substance that discharges from a vagina after a woman gives birth.
After my wife gave birth she had massive amounts of vagina jello.
by Extra Sloppy March 31, 2018
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