When a woman is on her period with lack of food and sufficient water for a couple of days and is too weak to continue her journey as a person illegally entering the United States. Lack of iron causes a non ferrous snapper.
We were hunting for a group of illegal aliens and I met a woman who was in a weakened state. Upon learning she not eaten or drink sufficient water, I got her some food and water. She said she was on her period, and I told her to keep her nonferrous snapper out of the desert.
by Tonkchaser April 8, 2021
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The act of running through a small house, tripping over a chair and breaking a toe, foot, etc.
Someone called the house phone, and Jeffrey did the trippin' snapper trying to answer it in time.
by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 13, 2011
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some one who wants to be a stoner but is not one normally losers with no money take this roll to get friends
That party was lame, the puffer-snapper showed up and started acting stoned.
by Austrage18 April 24, 2009
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A retard. Someone that lacks the mental where withal to use zippers or buttons, can only utilize snaps. A person whose mental capacity is lacking for even the simplest of tasks.
by drippysnaps December 7, 2019
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I’m just gonna take a lil snapper before we go out.
by kasskat February 22, 2019
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