A fucking powerhouse only used by English spies
"Damn bro you got a silenced PP7? I didn't know you were Bames Jond!"
by DashiellShatter April 21, 2023
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Silence is the sound of when no sound is being generated, silence makes no noise and can't be heard, it also is soundless. Silence pretty much is nothing and it shouldn't exist sience it's litetall nothingness.
A: "Yo i really dig this soundless noise"
B: "You mean Silence?
A:"Fucks that?"
by Unfunny Andrei March 15, 2018
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a loss of words.when u r on the phone and a conversation ends and u r just there sitting awkwardly
<him> hey honey, i bet you cant make me happy and sad at the same time
<her> you have the biggest penis out of all your friends.
by a_bunch_of_zeroes May 29, 2018
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The loudest word ever spoken in the history of the world.
*Two kids in a class won’t stop talking*
Teacher: “SILENCE!!”
by A person125 April 30, 2023
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Silence is yes because the person is just to shy to reply (Just pretend they said yes)
Bob is silent, he is just too shy to reply yes
"Silence means yes" - Bob, 2021
by builderthebob April 25, 2021
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