Originally a term used in horror and slasher films/series to describe the leading man. Jared Padalecki has quite a cult following for his horror genre, he starred in both films and 15 years of cult show which got him a loyal fandom.
say what you want about this movie but horror king’ tits looked phenomenal
by Claymillersgirl October 17, 2022
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Deep disgust followed by applause. Reluctant but overwhelming approval.
Conan O'Brien's insensitive joke drew a horror-plause from his audience.
by Zach Getsmall March 11, 2008
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The eyes of horror is when u look at someone and they look scary and they just give u bad vibe
by Yourprettylilgirl December 31, 2021
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A scary looking man that just gives a bad vibe when u look at him
A possessed album called the eyes of horror aaaaaaah I’m scared asf
by Yourprettylilgirl December 31, 2021
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v. Originating from ken

1. A particularly odorous and semi-liquid ken that leaves the excreter feeling as if he or she has just passed a bowl of porridge.
The Daily Telegraph promised a full expose with pictures of a horror ken left by Princess Michael Of Kent in the loo of Sainsbury's.
by Robert D Sykes April 26, 2005
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A Horror movie or setting that is bland, corny, and dull.
"Did you watch that new Horror movie The Killer Werewolf?"
"No, my friend told me it was just another Dry Horror film and I just can't sit through those."
by Svellack March 26, 2022
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When you fuck a girl so hard you swear you broke her pussy. Its also a step up from hate fucking but not at rape level but she will regret it.
I gave that bitch the Cramityville Horror last night and she never wished me a good morning.
by MERKY January 12, 2015
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