When someone is really bad at something, they're called Koala Dog. Its basically because koalas and dog dont go together.
You're so bad at this game, fucking koala dog nerd shitstain
by Maudota12 December 13, 2017
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Joaquin the Koala is a very famous-unknown character considered like a god for lots of people. Usually have a mother named Marcela and sleeps 22 hours a day; but when he´s not sleeping, he can be almost as great as ¨Chicharito¨.
John: Hey! look at Bob, he has a big scare on his face.

Sam: Oh I see, maybe Joaquin the Koala kick him.

Did you saw that amazing Koala, I bet his mother is called Marcela.
by Samuel Taco October 26, 2011
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An act of a naked smaller male, hitching a ride on a naked larger woman like a backpack. The image looks similar to that of a koala cub on the back of its mother.
Dan was a Koala Backpack to the kitchen to get some snacks post coitus.
by Kile Hanzens January 12, 2023
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Hey did you see that Disabled Koala guy? He was so edgy!
by chicken1772 May 19, 2019
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The act of sucking toes and eating ass at the same time.
Person 1: this Bitch changed my life g. She sucked my toes and ate my ass at the same time.

Person 2: you got a choco koala ? Damn son your the man.
by Korin May 29, 2018
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