7 definitions by Maudota12

When someone is really bad at something, they're called Koala Dog. Its basically because koalas and dog dont go together.
You're so bad at this game, fucking koala dog nerd shitstain
by Maudota12 December 13, 2017
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Dutch way of saying PogChamp.

Was found when someone accidently pronounced the famous Twitch-emote PogChamp in a rather Dutch way.
"Yo that play was PogChamp man! "
"Yeah dude, that was hella Pochkamp"
by Maudota12 April 10, 2019
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"That play was pretty Pochkamp"
"Did you see his killing spree? Pochkamp"
by Maudota12 April 11, 2019
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dutch way of saying pochkamp
"yo that was pochkamp"
by Maudota12 April 22, 2019
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"Yo that play was super Pochkamp"
"Did you just get a rampage? Pochkamp"
"Thats so sick, thats so Pochkamp"
"Thats Korankampf no dude thats Pochkamp"
by Maudota12 April 11, 2019
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"Did you see that play? Pochkamp"
"The new game is out Pochkamp"
by Maudota12 April 12, 2019
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