The hair every one in the world has because they cant get bitches
That gay cant get girls so he has curly hair
by whknoiw July 31, 2021
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Cuil was a search engine that organized web pages by content and displayed relatively long entries along with thumbnail pictures for many results. Cuil said it had a larger index than any other search engine, with about 120 billion web pages. It went live on July 28, 2008. Wikipedia
Founded: 2006
Headquarters: Menlo Park, California, United States
Mr. Curly likes hamburger
by heybestie87 April 28, 2021
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When you and a woman are fucking and you cut off some pubes put them in her vagina then eat her out.
Guy 1: I gave a curly hot pocket to Jessica
Guy 2: Nice dude
by Pervertedgamer0 April 21, 2017
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One who is Curly Haired, and Lacks intelligence
Kyle, your a Curly-Headed Fuck!
by Lhs42018 May 22, 2017
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What my grandma calls my curly haired niece, but it just makes me think of pubic hair
Granny: hey curly Joe!
My niece: (she is baby and can't talk)
Me: thoughts; that sounds like a name for pubic hair. 🤨
by NotCurlyJoe May 25, 2021
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A gladiator that tries to cut the head off anything over 5'9" or so to make it the right size.
Curly Crowe wants to cut his head off so he can stick it to the man on a pike.
by The Original Agahnim November 5, 2021
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Mutual Acquaintance- Curly Crowe, have you met Lenny Phoenix, your future adversary?

Curly Crowe - It wasn't my idea for us to meet, it was yours.
by The Original Agahnim November 5, 2021
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